our services

Esparindo provide various water fountain services as required by the clients. Our services are listed in detail below. 


water fountain consultant

Creating water fountain is not as easy as what you imagine. Based on our experience, a lot of people assume that building a water fountain is a fast and simple feats. Usually people will meet problems and troubles when buying the water fountain equipment or at the time of installation. The problems that we find mostly are: fountain pools that are not suitable for water fountain installation, lack of space, insufficient pipework, lack of planning for pool filtration & circulation, and so on. Proper and concrete planning is must when planning to build a water fountain.

Therefore, we at PT Esparindo Dayamegah provides water fountain consultation services to assist you in designing a water fountain. Our consultation services will cover the design concept of dancing fountain (synchronized fountain), musical fountain and static fountain.

As water fountain consultant, our scope of work are:

  • Water fountain planning
  • Water fountain initial concept
  • Water fountain design
  • water fountain pipe work design
  • Water fountain 2D and 3D illustrations
  • Water fountain animations
  • Water fountain installation schematics
  • Engineering design of water fountain system
  • Pool structure discussion
  • Auxilliaries and ancillaries discussion
  • Determination of water fountain pumps
  • Determination of quantity and type of water fountain nozzle 
  • Determination of quantity and type of fountain under-water lights
  • Water fountain filtration system design
  • Water fountain installation
  • Other advisory work

We can provide all of the options above or you can pick the options that you prefer for your water fountain projects.

water fountain initial planning

The initial water fountain planning covers:

  1. Site identification and location of nozzle and equipment placement
  2. Determination of location for supporting equipment and water fountain control rooms
  3. Determination of shape and size of water fountain pool and control room
  4. Planning for the water fountain concept 
  5. Discussion of water fountain design concept
  6. Creating the 2D / 3D design of the water fountain or simple water fountain animation
  7. Cost calculation approximation for the entire fountain system

water fountain mid planning

After the location, size and shape of the fountain pool have been confirmed and the fountain design concept has been selected and approved, the next stages are:

  1. Finalization of water fountain and  fountain nozzles positions as well as control room and filtration room locations
  2. Determination of suitable type and shape of the water fountain nozzle
  3. Determination of the type and illumination strength of the water fountain light
  4. Selection of water fountain pump 
  5. Selection of water fountain control system
  6. Calculation of water hydraulic for the fountain pipeworks 
  7. Determination of fountain pool filtration system
  8. Finalization of water fountain auxiliaries and ancilaries

water fountain final planning

The stages of the final planning are:

  1. Finalization of the shape and size of the pool for construction work
  2. Finalization of the shaps and size for control room, pump room and filtration room 
  3. Finalization of the auxiliaries and ancillaries of the water fountain
  4. Finalization of the budgeting cost calculation for the fountain and filtration system of the project
  5. Comprehensive information of the water fountain equipment complete with detailed specifications
  6. Final water fountain animation in detail
  7. Pipework and installation schematics of the water fountain system (optional)
  8. Pipework and installation schematics of the filtration system (optional)

common mistakes in water fountain planning

Common mistakes found by us made by inexperienced planners are as the following:

  • Finalization of the shape and size of the pool in early stage. This prove to be fatal because it limits the water fountain concept. The water fountain auxiliaries and ancillaries will be hard to implement. The overall work for water fountain installation will be hampered
  • Insufficient information for the size for control room, pump room and filtration room
  • Does not have information for water fountain equipment cost. They usually take a guess-work or asking information from a third-party
  • Does not provide detailed specification of the fountain equipment, thus the equipment offered by the bidders (tender) is usually of lower quality 
  • Does not know the differences of water fountain control system for synchronized or musical fountains. There are various control system from the simple (limited fountain pattern) up to the latest control system (unlimited fountain spray pattern variations)
  • Does not provide detailed fountain pool circulation and filtration system
  • Lack of understanding of the functions of the fountain equipment
  • Lack of knowledge that water fountain piping system are not simple (head loss, geometric head, friction loss, water hammer, etc)
  • Does not plan for efficient fountain pool filtration system utilizing automation
  • Lack of for engineering and electrical know-how for water fountain

We hope with all of the provided information from us,, you will learn something to reduce your risk in water fountain planning. Please contact us if you need water fountain consultation services.